Portland, Oregon-based creative. Writing, public relations, art.
Hey, I'm Rachel
In a sentence or two (less if you're lucky), you'll get enough information from me to decide whether you like me, want to "convert" your attention to a purchase (or share your data), or not. And then we'll be on our merry way. But, I don't know, that sounds boring. And I'm starting to think that nothing real can be defined that easily, and nothing worthwhile is that simple of a transaction.
And I know this is just an "about" blurb and not really the place to wax philosophical about the superficiality that runs rampant these days, but you know what? This is my place and I can do what I want, damnit! (Including spelling damnit with the "mn" instead of "mm"). But beyond it being a herculean task to define yourself in a digestible way (and who wants to do that anyway?!), I'm not really trying to do anything here.
I don't want to "convert."
I don't want to "capture your data"
I don't want to "send you weekly updates on what's new with us" (please read that with a slight sneer!).
I'm here to put what I create and like into the world without it being used to fund genocides or while supporting a platform hell-bent on spreading misinformation and getting fascists elected.
It's trite, but true (hey that's a cool phrase, trite & true) (TM, TM, TM!), that I want to share and connect and build real relationships with people. I'm sick of surface level interactions and easy connections and am working hard to create more intentionality into my every day. That's what the art I create celebrates and that's what the newsletter (help me come up with a better name please!) is for.
However, if you do want facts about me, here are a few:
I've worn glasses since I was five and despite constant pressure from my optometrist, I intend to wear them until I die, potential zombie apocalypse (or any other apocalypse) be damned.
Everything I do, whether I'm paid for it or not, attempts to find some kind of creative story, to pull out the emotional thread, to connect something to something else. I love to photograph buildings in cities, make abstract texture-based paintings, and write.
I've been published in Portland Monthly Magazine, Fresh Cup Magazine (where I was also the digital editor for a short time), Barista Magazine, and my writing has appeared in a number of media outlets thanks to my PR work.
I'm great at developing and telling stories in short- and long-form and am working on a novel. I've always got a lot going on and it's always pretty fun over here. Whether you're looking to chat about a short-term PR campaign, want to read more of my work, or want to talk art, please reach out, or sign up for my newsletter.
love ya,